Friday, March 9, 2012

Lepiota Lutea - cute little invaders

Didn't look at my pot for like maybe 2 days and when I watered the plants this morning, I got a nasty surprise. 
I found them cute and gross at the same time.... maybe its cute because of the cute lemon yellow, but that powdery rough ball just made me cringe. 

Googled to identify it, and though it appears they will not harm the plants they are around now, I had to take them out of my pot because I didn't want it to spurt spores into the air when it opens up and contaminating my other pots. They may grow again though... haha... its like a tiny battle has begun, between me and the little invaders. ♥

Just adding what Irene drawn here haha!

If they were this cute, I might have let them live.... But their little offspring appeared today.. I took out 3 little ones... oh no... 2 becomes 3.... 3 becomes ??!

How they looked like after I was done with them... 

Private joke.

Thanks Irene!♥

Monday, March 5, 2012

my baby dwarf sunflowers ♥♥♥

25 Feb 2012

6 March 2012 (  11 days later ) 

1st set of true leaves has appeared and are in good relative size, 
2nd set of true leaves is visible.

Begonia Cutting from a month back. Still alive! yaay!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Basic Cooking Hygiene

Since I am recovering and can't do much else, I started watching this little known show, even though I have yet to develop a taste for most korean fare, I do enjoy watching people doing all sorts of cooking. All the cutting, chopping, pretty vegetable colours just makes me happy. hehe

The characters are ok, but watching ep 1 made me go a bit *bleh* since the setup was so.... typical and unbelievable. *spoilers*

A mom so in grief she cannot even recognise her own daughter was not her own? Or her eyes were permanently damaged and she could not tell them apart?! If on that day itself, I would have been ok, but the months after? The girls were so different! Unless she knew and would rather not deal with the media backlash of how her daughter ''died'' due to her own actions, and pretended all these years.... That would make her a really scary person indeed.

I was still watching even though I was shaking my head... Mostly because of Joo Sang Wook, he of Thorn Birds and recent RM ep fame.... I really liked his personality and his hearty HAHAHA....

I don't cook often, but when I do, I try to maintain a certain level of hygiene. And so, imagine my horror when the pretty lead basically waltzes into the fancy kitchen, and due to the other girl's spaced-outness ( which resulted in her cutting her hand), gets a chance and starts to cut up some high level pork rib. She says she has never done it before, but it must be like fish...and cuts it up most expertly ( I don't really believe that but I will let it pass. ) The thing that bugged me no end was, she did all this in her street clothes, without washing her hands. What in the world?! Is there no standard in the hotel cleanliness standards? And if that was only for that particular scene, I will still be ok, but she then proceeds to finish that whole kitchen scene without a change of clothes. She touches everything! The boiled chickens, the soup ladles etc. Did no one have the sense to ask her to change, before the Health and Safety officials strut into the kitchen?

Even the rats knew they had to wash their hands before cookng.

ok rant over. Maybe its just because I am bored out of my mind, maybe slightly germophobic, but i mean no one any harm. I am sure the production people, writers all worked hard on this show. I may even continue the story since I am rooting for the female lead ( who maybe the Hong gildong girl, but I can't be certain) and Joo SW's characters to finally come together. Hope the story gets better from now out.