Tuesday, April 10, 2012

CSI Miami Season 10 Episode 19 ♥

I have always liked CSI the original. But sadly after the departure of the awesome Grissom in Season 10, CBS has various actors trying to fill his shoes. I don't know is it because the show has gone on for too long, but content-wise there is always a new reason ( or old reason) to kill someone. The characters don't really get a development which makes me want to care what happens to them.

So I strayed to try other flavours. CSI New York S6 was polished but unappetizing, until the arrival of Sela Ward in S07. She adds this relaxed dynamic to the uptight character played by Gary Sinise. It didn't help that even though Sinise played many likable characters like in Forrest Gump, his EVIL role in Ransom stuck with me for way too long. I guess you really can be more traumatised by events happening in youth.

CSI Miami was the hardest for me to jump into, because it has very deep character histories which ties into the past seasons. While very good for character development and background stories, it was just alot of work researching websites for old seasons, to get a better insight into what I am seeing. In the end I just gave up and followed the week by week crime-solving, and learned about the characters from this point on. Its actually pretty good.

Miami is also the one with the most varied cinematography. It has stunning sunsets in the beach, florida swamps, car chases, mansions, vampire mansion? hehe alot of slowmo action shots, all usually bathed in a warm orange glow. YEEEEEAAAA...
This now one-ups Vegas, which revolves around hotels, motels, deserts, casinos, and New York being mainly in the city.

But anyway after all that, I was so glad to see an episode which revolved around my favourite character on this show, Mr Wolfe, played by Jonathan Togo. This episode is so emotionally powerful, and sad, but it shows clearly how closely the CSIs are tied and supportive of each other. My favourite end scene is at Wolfe's pity party, where the CSIs have gathered for a drink, and they all were sure that Horatio will not be joining them. But he shows up, and with this funny sidelong glance at Wolfe, tells him he will stay if Wolfe buys him a drink.
I think Horatio has a soft spot for Wolfe, who has made so many mistakes in the past but strived to overcome them, thus earning his respect. They strike me also to have a great father-son dynamic. Heehee.

This closely knit group for me, makes CSI miami the best of the 3 for now.

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